Applications for membership in The Rhinoplasty Society (TRS) will be considered only when all of the items listed below have been received by the executive office. There is a three-year limit on open application files.
The goal of The Rhinoplasty Society is education. We have deliberately structured our by-laws so that plastic surgeon and facial plastic surgeon members will have equal representation on the Board of Directors and in voting rights; all measures adopted by the society must have the approval of each group. Furthermore, the intention of the founding members is that this society continues to function largely as an educational forum for its members, to allow surgeons who have a strong clinical, teaching, and research interest in rhinoplasty to exchange and develop ideas and to work out problems in a common forum of mutual respect and collegiality.
All application materials must be received by the executive office by January 31 for the applicant to be considered for admission to membership at the annual meeting in the spring of the next year. Applications received after the deadline will be considered for admission at the annual meeting the following year.
There is a non-refundable application fee of $250 due at the time of submitting the application.
Membership dues are billed annually. The current annual dues amount is $550. Following the annual meeting, an invoice for half a year’s dues is sent to newly elected members. Membership dues are non-refundable. Members will no longer be required to pay the additional $350 per year to have a link added to their website profile on their professional website. Please let the Executive Director know if you would like your website link included on your public facing profile.