Membership Requirements
Active Membership:
For board-certified rhinoplasty surgeons in active practice for a minimum of two years.
Active membership shall be limited to surgeons who fulfill the following requirements:
- Persons who perform plastic surgery or facial plastic surgery and who are board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive surgery, the American Board of Otolaryngology, or an equivalent foreign examining board are eligible for membership in The Rhinoplasty Society.
- Two years of active practice in the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery, facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, or otolaryngology/ENT.
- A profound interest in rhinoplasty and aesthetic surgery as documented to the satisfaction of the membership committee by the publication of articles in peer-reviewed journals as lead author, textbook chapters, or the teaching of rhinoplasty courses is required. Members in this category are expected to have made contributions that further the field of rhinoplasty. Under some circumstances, and at the recommendation of the membership committee, applicants may be recommended for active membership based on exceptional merit as demonstrated by contributions to teaching and writing, and societal contributions in aesthetic surgery.
- Proof of membership in good standing with one of the following: The Aesthetic Society, ASPS, AAFPRS, AAO-HNS, ISAPS, or the equivalent foreign national society.
- A recent 24-month rhinoplasty operative log supporting experience in rhinoplasty, averaging at least thirty cases per year. **NOTE: The Membership Committee will allow for 10% of these cases (3 per year or 6 per 24-month period) to be non-surgical rhinoplasty procedures.
- Summary sheet: (Download link) for the same 24-month period as the surgery log
- Sponsorship by two Active members.
Associate Membership:
For board-certified rhinoplasty surgeons in active practice a minimum of two years, who do not meet all criteria for active member status.
Associate membership will apply to rhinoplasty surgeons who satisfy the following requirements:
- Persons who perform plastic surgery or facial plastic surgery and who are board certified-equivalent in plastic surgery, facial plastic surgery, otolaryngology, or ENT through an international examining board are eligible for corresponding membership with The Rhinoplasty Society.
- Two years of experience in the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery, facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, or otolaryngology/ENT.
- Proof of membership in good standing with one of the following: The Aesthetic Society, ASPS, AAFPRS, AAO-HNS, ISAPS, or the equivalent foreign national society. Proof of membership in a recognized foreign national society removes the requirement for sponsors.
Rhinoplasty Society Europe Membership:
For those International surgeons in active practice a minimum of 3 years, who do not have 2 Active member sponsors.
Rhinoplasty Society Europe membership will apply to international rhinoplasty surgeons who satisfy the following requirements:
- Persons who perform plastic surgery or facial plastic surgery and who are Board Certified equivalent in Plastic Surgery, Facial Plastic Surgery, Otolaryngology, or ENT through an international examining board are eligible for Corresponding membership with The Rhinoplasty Society.
- Three years’ experience in the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery, facial plastic and reconstructive surgery or otolaryngology/ENT.
- Recent 24-month rhinoplasty operative log supporting experience in rhinoplasty.
- Proof of membership in good standing with The Rhinoplasty Society of Europe is required.
Candidate Membership:
For board-certified rhinoplasty surgeons in active practice under two years, who do not yet meet all criteria for active member status.
Candidate membership will apply to rhinoplasty surgeons who satisfy the following requirements:
- Persons who perform plastic surgery or facial plastic surgery and who are board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive surgery, the American Board of Otolaryngology, or an equivalent foreign examining board are eligible for membership in The Rhinoplasty Society.
- Proof of membership in good standing with one of the following: The Aesthetic Society, ASPS, AAFPRS, AAO-HNS, ISAPS, or the equivalent foreign national society.
Resident/Fellow Program:
For Plastic Surgery Residents or Fellows with a profound interest in rhinoplasty and aesthetic surgery.
Resident/Fellow program will apply to rhinoplasty surgeons who satisfy the following requirements:
- Persons enrolled in a plastic surgery residency or fellowship.
- Proof of residency or fellowship with a letter of good standing uploaded from department head or fellowship coordinator, with a graduation date listed.
- Up-to-date CV uploaded in pdf format with full contact information.
Please note: The required documents must be uploaded with the application. Be sure to have all documents ready to upload before you fill out the application as you cannot save it.
Spring/Summer Applications will Re-Open on Tuesday, April 1st, 2025