How Should You Sleep After Rhinoplasty Surgery?


Rhinoplasty surgery can help improve the appearance of your nose or correct chronic breathing problems, but it requires proper aftercare to ensure successful results. One of the most important steps of rhinoplasty recovery is getting enough sleep. Members of The Rhinoplasty Society can provide detailed post-operative instructions to help you get the rest you need.

Generally, it's recommended that you sleep in a semi-upright position for at least two weeks following rhinoplasty surgery. This means propping up your head with several pillows or using a recliner chair. For more information about how to sleep best after rhinoplasty, be sure to ask your surgeon for specific recommendations. Below, we'll explore other tips for getting restful sleep.

How is rhinoplasty surgery performed?

There are two primary techniques for performing rhinoplasty surgery: open and closed. In an open rhinoplasty, the surgeon will make a small incision across the columella (the narrow strip of tissue separating the nostrils). This allows full access to the nasal structures.

During a closed rhinoplasty, all incisions are made within the nose and are not visible from the outside. Your surgeon can determine the best technique based on your unique nasal structure and desired outcomes.

Is recovery from rhinoplasty surgery painful?

Rhinoplasty procedures can cause some discomfort, but the amount of pain experienced is highly individual and depends on the complexity involved. Members of The Rhinoplasty Society provide specific instructions about how to recover and provide pain relief medication if needed. They may also recommend methods like cold packs to reduce swelling and bruising in the nasal area.

What tips should I follow when sleeping after rhinoplasty?

Patients should take it easy after undergoing rhinoplasty surgery. Avoid strenuous activities for at least two weeks, including exercise and lifting heavy objects. Getting enough sleep allows your body to heal properly and can help reduce your risk of side effects or complications.

Here are some additional helpful tips for sleeping during recovery:

  • Avoid lying down on your stomach: This places too much pressure on the nasal area, which could lead to excessive pain and inflammation.
  • Sleep a little elevated: Elevation reduces swelling and helps you breathe easier throughout the night. Use several pillows or rest in a recliner chair if that feels more comfortable.
  • Avoid sleeping with a pet if possible: Animals like dogs can accidentally bump into your nose and cause damage, so it's best to avoid snuggling with them during rhinoplasty recovery.
  • Use a humidifier: Keeping your bedroom environment moist will help reduce congestion and promote better breathing.

When can I resume normal sleep again?

It may take 2 – 4 weeks for the initial swelling to subside after rhinoplasty surgery. Most people return to normal activities during this time, but we highly recommend listening to your body and proceeding with caution. Members of The Rhinoplasty Society schedule follow-up appointments for patients to ensure their rhinoplasty recovery is going as smoothly as possible.

Rest well after rhinoplasty

Results of a rhinoplasty procedure can last for many years, but it's important to take proper care of your nose and follow any instructions from your surgeon. If you have any questions about rhinoplasty surgery or recovery, feel free to browse our website and find a professional near you. Our members at The Rhinoplasty Society know firsthand how to help you achieve the best possible outcomes.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.